Youth Obsession Includes Animals

I mentioned in yesterday’s post that our home was closed to further pet adoptions.   I should clarify that  there will be no more dogs, cats, rodents, or birds until some of our current animals pass on.

What?  Why would I put it like that?  Well, all of our recent adoptions have been of older animals and we already had an older dog.  Our basset is over 16 years. The newer cats are both 11 years. The dachshund is a youngster at about 8 years.  Finally, the baby is our outdoor, allergy ridden cat at 7 years.

Yes, the recently adopted animals are older, but they certainly did not deserve to be put out (the dachshund) or killed (the newer cats) just because they are older. 

I knew there were issues with older pets when I had trouble finding a kennel to board our dog because he was older than 12.  However, I did not realize that even “rescue” groups would disregard animals because of their age.

I can’t believe in a society run a muck with the humanization of animals that such disregard solely because of age exists.  Oh wait, maybe it is because animals have become overly humanized in our society.  I mean look at how elderly people are often not treated.