How I am So Far Behind at Christmas

Okay, I know, I know…Christmas comes on the same day every year, so there is no reason I should be so far behind every year, especially this year.

Well, I am.  Plus, I know of several reasons as to why I am so far behind:

  1. I like to shop during the Christmas season…I liked it even better when I had money.  Sure, bargains can be had throughout the year, but I always leave at least a few gifts until the end.
  2. I already mentioned the second reason, money.  We developed the habit of waiting to buy the bulk of our Christmas gifts after my husband received a Christmas bonus (no, it was never much, but it did buy a few gifts).  Although he has not had one of those in a few years, I still have not broken the habit.
  3. There is never enough time.  I know I am not alone in this one.  In fact, this should not be an excuse for me.  However, just like a lady who said she did not get her tree up until yesterday, time seems to slip away from me.  It seems that adding home school lessons, this blog, and a food blog (to try and pay for this blog) has pushed me passed the tipping point.    Unlike several friends and relatives, I did manage to send out most of my Christmas cards this year – they are just going to be late.
  4. Christmas was always big at my house growing up, so I try to make it big too.  Of course, I fail miserably.  I attempt to cook, bake, craft, and engage in Christmas activities like my Mom, but I have no idea how she did it.  I do realize why she was often stressed around this time of year though.
  5. Homemade gifts save money, but cost time.  I am trying to make more of the gifts this year.  It may be cost effective and done with love, but it has sucked away more hours than I care to count resulting in very little actual product at the end of the day.  Unfortunately,  the homemade gifts will be late to most recipients as well.

In the end, I know that Christmas Day will be here and gone in a flash.  I know that whatever happens will happen at this point in time. I know that the only thing that really counts when all is said and done is the reason we have Christmas at all, the birth of Jesus.